Save the Arctic Brochure




A two-fold, six-page information brochure

As a campaign, Save the Arcitc,  for the Royal Ontario Museum. 

Using the research, data, graphics, typography, concept and system’s design to inform visitors to the museum about the Campaign of the Arctic and an exhibition at the ROM. 




Where Is The Arctic

The Arctic is the northernmost region of Earth. Most scientists define the Arctic as the area within the ArcticCircle, a line of latitude about 66.5° north of the Equator. Within this circle,the Arctic takes in parts of Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden,Greenland and the US.

What Is The Arctic?

- Unlike theAntarctic, the Arctic is an icy sea surrounded by land. (Antarctica is icy landsurrounded by sea.) It may seem a bit chilly for some of us, but the Arctic ishome to around four million people, including indigenous communities, spreadacross eight countries. 

- There’s aamazing amount of wildlife too, all uniquely adapted to life in this icylandscape. - The Arctic is almost entirely covered by water, much of it frozen.Some frozen features, such as glaciers and icebergs, are frozen freshwater. Infact, the glaciers and icebergs in the Arctic make up about 20% of Earth’ssupply of freshwater.

-Most of the Arctic, however, is the liquid saltwater of the Arcticocean basin. Some parts of the ocean’s surface remain frozen all or most of theyear. This frozen seawater is called sea ice. Often, sea ice is covered with athick blanket of snow.



Why Is The Arctic Important?

Sea ice helpsdetermine Earth’s climate. Sea ice has a very bright surface, or albedo. Thisalbedo means about 80% of sunlight that strikes sea ice is reflected back tospace. The dark surface of the liquid ocean, however, absorbs about 90% ofsolar radiation. Due to thermohaline circulation, the Arctic’s thick,reflective sea ice moderates ocean temperatures around the world.

In other words, Arcticsea ice acts as a huge white reflector at the top of the planet, bouncing someof the sun’s rays back into space, helping keep the Earth at an even temperature. But man-madeclimate change means the Arctic has warmed over the past few decades – actuallyabout twice as much as the global average. As the sea icemelts there’s less to reflect the rays, and more heat is absorbed by the ocean,magnifying the warming effect. The Arctic also helps circulate the world'socean currents, moving cold and warm water around the globe. 


How The Arctic Affects Us

- Sea level rise and changes in marine ecosystems : 

 According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA)2016 Climate Report, global average sea level has risen 20xm since 1880, and itis projected that sea level will rise by about 1m by 2100 if Antarctica'sglaciers melt at the current rate. In addition, sea level rise lowers thesalinity of the sea and impedes the circulation of currents, threatening thelives of a variety of temperature-sensitive marine organisms.

- Increased frequency of natural disasters :

 About 300 wildfires have occurred in Siberia this year due tounusually high temperatures and continuous dry weather, which is about fivetimes the average frequency of forest fires in the past. Originally, the embersof Siberia were extinguished naturally when winter came, but as winter becamewarmer, the embers survived and wildfires occurred more frequently.

- Ecosystem disturbance and extinction of animals :

 As the average winter temperature rises, the number of pests thatcause catastrophic damage to coniferous forests has skyrocketed. The warmerwinter caused more caterpillars to survive than normal. It is said that eventhe migratory birds that breed in the Arctic suffered confusion without beingable to adapt to the early summer.

- Permafrost melting:

 On the 29th of May, the ground was weakened due to the thawing ofpermafrost, and the fuel tank of a power plant near Norilsk, Russia, collapsed.The permafrost is a natural cold storage of unknown viruses and bacteria,including anthrax and Spanish flu. If the viruses that were sealed in theglacier are revived, a pandemic more powerful than this year's Corona 19 couldcome to humanity.



-About the Arctic:

-Why is the Arctic so important? : 

-The Impacts :

-Climate Changes / sea levels :

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers,

-Arctic Sea Ice Minimum :

-Arctic people :

-Melting Arctic Ice and its Possible Impactson Humans :

-Arctic People :

Temperature of Earth in each year

Temperature of land&ocean of Earth

Temperature's variation the highest & the Lowest in each year

The ice's mass variation of the Arctic.

Sea height variation in each year.



Illustrated Contents 


Base Grid


Overview / Outline







Using Format