Project Brief

Translate an audio recording into a 2D artifact.  Visual translation needs to express nuances of an auditoral experience: space, time, tone, emotions.

Project Brief

Translate an audio recording into a 2D artifact.  Visual translation needs to express nuances of an auditoral experience: space, time, tone, emotions.


- Use typographic structure to control space, tempo, sequence;
Investigate typographic arrangements, divisions and proportions;

- Considering in what context I'd like my reader to see this information. How will the typographic decision change given my choice of format?

AUDIO : Transcript of the Type Radio (Interview)

1st Iteration :

First Iteration Rationale :

I realized that there are people who change the flow of conversation and intervene between the conversation while interviewer’s talking or interviewee’s talking. I focused on the intersection of the flow and the overlap of the conversation. I tried to use various directions in order to create the various layout. But as I can only worked with 9pt type, it’s kind of tough to create the concept that I decided or imagined with a 9pt type. 

The concept I decided is feeling of collage by overlapping many sentences into the canvas. As I decdied to do an interview about David Carson who is known for grunge looking which reminds me kind of collage work of art, I think it would be interesting if I could create the vibe of his work. With this concept, I would like to make music album or poster things for the final work. Also, I think it would be interesting to create Type Radio promotional object by taking the interview’s transcript of Type Radio.


2nd Iteration :

Changes From First Iteration

I decided to create poster that can also be a brochure form. As the interview is about the part of the life of Carson, the interview seems to show the journey of Carson’s life as a designer. So I decided to create 16x24” size map based poster but also could be used in brochure-card format when it is folded. 

The whole size of the paper would be 8*8 inch. I devide into 6 section as if when it is folded, it shows the interview’s script in order and when it is opened, it is shown as one total poster.


- each small section takes one to two 1:30~2 minutes interview which contains 1 or 2 question. 

- Question is aligned right and Answer is aligned left

- The interviewer’s words are rotated 90 degrees vertically, and the interviewee’s words are horizontal.

-When one question ends and the other question starts, it must starts from next row unless conversation keeps continuing.


-each small section takes one to two question.

- Question is aligned left on first and third column, and the answer is alined right on the third and sixth column. 


3rd Iteration :

Third Iteration Rationale :

What I was trying to focus is following the visual rule I created before starting to iterate transcript. However,as I worked on, I realized too much limitation through rules limit my visual variation and make design less interesting. And it might conflict with the style of David Carson who is known for breaking the rules in grapic design. So I decided to giveup some of the visual rule I created for the concept and block- like structure while I’m designing especially, in the 2-3 iteration. 


Last Iteration

Third Iteration Rationale :

I decided to focus on just poster format. And try to focus on the sound that they are located. Although, I am not sure about where they are located for the interview, but I think I need to show is how the words and sentences are floating moving or spreading through air and space. In addition, focus on the intonation, dragging the words when David Carson’s answering, hesitation when he talks, emphasis on some words, and the volume of the voice. That’s the reason that I made a lot of wavy words, repetition, change the scale, and adjusting opacity.

Finally, I place all of each sections in some order to show some kinds of sense of space of three dimensionality in 2 dimension. 



Final Rationale

My audio is about David Carson. 

Question& Interviewee’s words are placed vertically and David Carson’s words are horizontally placed. 

My focus is that simulating David Carson's work tradition, which is feeling the musical elements( rhythm, tempo, beat ) when he was designing things. So my decision is placing the perspective into the paragraphs by expressing how the sound floats and goes .

Their conversation sounds like they are in a large space. So I decide to give a sense of spatial (3 dimensional ) feeling in the flat  two dimensional poster. In addition to that, putting the Type Radio elements such as colour theme,  timestamp,  loading bar to create the sense of type radio promotional poster for the final delivery. By surrounding the yellow loading bar at the edges and placing the start button above the first question, I wanted to show the progress of the radio as well as the progress of conversation in clockwise order so that audience or readers are able to know what is the next question. Also, as the conversation progressed, I  gradually lower the transparency of each Q&A to show the flow of time and space clockwise.

Using Format