
:  Future Weather App Design

Software : Adobe XD / Illustrator / Photoshop / Indesign



Project based on Climate Disaster's Research:

Based on the researches and articles, over the past 50 years, a weather, climate, or water-related disaster has occurred on average every day.As the world warms, these weather related extreme events are on the increase, going up five-fold over the past half-century.

If people survive a climate disaster but then are left to fend for themselves with their homes and livelihoods destroyed, it's a meagre blessing.

The global community needs to ensure the victims of climate catastrophes are helped to thrive, not just survive. And early warnings and action save lives. We must boost the power of prediction for everyone and build their capacity to act. It takes money to ensure  and more sophisticated the system to predict the climate disaster. However,  experts say that this type of spending repays itself in a very short time. 

There is absolutely in need for the system of prediction of climate disaster. 

Current Problem :

Many people are not directly threatened by global warming especially in sea level rise. Although there are places where are directly thretening, but still if it's not a place where they live, it's beyond many people's interest. In reality the general public are conscious about global warming issue but do not take it seriously. Even there are a few people who believe earth will recover automatically or polar regions' ice melting and sea level rise won't be problematic because of ice and buoyancy theory. However, those believes are wrong and global warming even spur even more than pass few years. 

It happens because many of the articles and informations are delivered as data and text that possibly make public hard to understand or directly feel the seriousness of result of global warming especially sea level rise.

Also, in the future, predicting weather will be getting harder. It will unpredictable, random, uncertain, irregular, too many variables, unreliable, fluctuating, unforeseeable, inconsistent -  predicting climate disaster is more ordinary  to expect than day to day temperature since most of the weather will be extreme than nowadays. 

:https://news.stanford.edu/2021/12/14/warming-makes-weather-less-predict able/  


Define Problem :

 It is necessary to increase access to information so that people of as many different ages as possible can easily understand and feel the crisis


Problem-solving Process


 My personal thesis:

 Assuming that it will be more important to know what daily basis climate disaster that people go through is instead of daily temperature or simple weather.

>> Instead of saying today’s weather is sunny or rainy, we may say today’s possible disaster will be heatwave, heavy rain, heavy snow, or wild fire etc.

>> Informing the possible climate disaster during the week or day will be weigh more important than simply inform daily weather as weather is unreliable and inconsistent but more severe. 

=Climate disaster will have same importance as weather alert. 


-  Creating not just simple “weather app” but “climate disaster app” like showing the weather nowadays.

 Weather forecast app will be changed as Climate/ Weather Disaster Forecast / Alert in near future.

- Keep the daily weather as other weather app, but shows the possible visualized climate disaster based on the daily based weather data. 

It will be more important to know what daily basis climate disaster that people will go through is instead of knowing just daily temperature or simple weather.


Project goal


 Creating a weather app with visualizing the data : 

- I want to tell people the actual level of sea level  or other possible/current danger that  with what if people maintain climate change.

- Visualizing the possible climate disasters( Drought, heatwave, flood , heavy rainfall, a heavy snowfall, and new kinds of disaster)  that is possibly happened in the future. 


Target the timeline as near future year specifically, 2050 so that manny people feel it :

- Supposed that when the speed of the Earth's temperature rise remains the same, which will be the worst scenario : Climate disaster will occur more frequently, it will be considered as daily problem and threat. People have to more pay attention to the frequent climate/ weather disaster than just daily weather. So I would focus on the daily disaster. 

-  Unlike 2020s when sea level will be considered problematic in some of places, in 2050s sea level rise will be another important consideration since it will affect many people’s life directly around the world. : One degree will raise the 2.3meter of sea level/ sea level will be raised up to 0.44m than 2020s/ After 50 years from 2050, in 2100, sea level will be raise up to 1.8m than 2020s.


Target Audience : Kids / Young adults 

1.  If kids understand and use the app easily it, most of audience are able to use the app easily.

2. It is important to teach children as parents/adults have to learn it in order to teach them.




Visual Goal / Plan :

1. Ironic - Playful way : Shows the extreme result in playful and friendly way that is more approachable and understandable to target audience. 

-Use animal as a character : Choose penguin for character of app ( which is one of the most vulnerable animal in climate change.)

2. Intuitively - Understand Right away: Use the real world location to support the understanding of audience. Audience would understand the data right away through illustration 

-Showing the sea level rise through the size of the iconic landmark


Colour Choice 

I decide the colour based on the colour -Warning impact matrix  and usual map colour coded of ocean and land of the earth. Choose the vivid colour for alert.


Typeface Choice

I decided Domus titling for the app title typeface since it gives a feeling of friendliness nad playfulness with the rounded shape of the letter. 

I used Myriad Variable Concept typeface in the text of the app. The strong boldness creates a heavy statement and clean typeface  make readers easier to read the small texts in the app.


Logotype / Title

Slightly transformed the letter W into a shape that looks like a rising graph by taking the shape of arrow to express the rise in temperature due to global warming.

The word “We” combined with the “Weather”

I made up the word ”Wether”

This implies a different WEATHER that WE WILL go through. 


Base App Grid


Brief Design Plan


Preliminary Design & Refinement







Using Format